Unsolicited takeover offer
from Infratil and Mercury

- Cameron Partners together with alliance partner, Rothschild & Co advised the Independent Directors of Tilt Renewables on the unsolicited takeover offer from a JV comprising the major shareholders of the company, Infratil and Mercury
- Tilt Renewables a leading renewable energy generation company with operating windfarms and a development pipeline across New Zealand and Australia. It is listed on both the New Zealand and Australian stock exchanges
- The JV partners owned approximately 78% of Tilt Renewables (including shares over which they had an option at the offer price). The offer was not recommended by The Independent Directors. Despite this, and a number of positive announcements from the company during the offer period, the offer price was not increased
- The offer closed without reaching the 90% threshold
- Cameron Partners and Rothschild & Co advised the Independent Directors on all aspects of the response including valuation, engagement with the JV and communications with shareholders