Advisor on Telecom's
$929m fibre rollout

- Cameron Partners advised Telecom NZ in relation to its $929m fibre rollout contract with Crown Fibre Holdings and subsequent demerger of Chorus
- Immediately after the 2008 election, the Government announced its objective to spend NZ$1.5 billion to make fibre available to 75% of New Zealand homes within 10 years, raising significant issues for Telecom’s fixed line business
- Cameron Partners was engaged by Telecom in 2009 to advise on responses to the Government process. The engagement culminated in Telecom’s ‘last mile’ subsidiary Chorus being awarded contracts to build out 70% of the Government’s fibre programme subject to the demerger of Chorus from Telecom. The demerger was completed in November 2011
- This transaction was awarded M&A Transaction of the Year at the INFINZ industry awards held in 2013